How to work from home and stay productive

Coronavirus will pass. But it will change how we work…forever.

The Coronavirus is teaching us many things about ourselves, including that we have the capacity to work from home with zero loss of productivity.

This will permanently shift working patterns as companies large and small embrace homeworking as the new normal, with employees only going into the office occasional meetings and to connect with colleagues socially.

But are you setup for homeworking success?

Working from home productively and permanently won’t happen by itself. Those of us who do it successfully and are getting ahead with our careers have taken action to make it homeworking sustainable.

Sitting through in a Zoom meeting with the screaming kids and tweeting birds in the background won’t endear you to your boss. Speaking to a prospective client with the Ocado delivery ringing the doorbell won’t look professional, and your colleagues will wonder if they have your full attention with the rhythmic hum of the washing machine relentlessly drum on in the background.

Separation is the secret

To work from home productively and sustainably.

Separation is the key difference between those of us who work from home successfully and those who do not.

Physical separation within your home from work life and home life is the only way to work from home productively.

A dedicated and well organised home office environment will give you the clarity of thought and lazar-sharp focus needed to work from home successfully.

But I don’t have enough space for a separate home office

Actually, the chances are, you do. You just can’t see it yet. All around your home there is latent space and unrealised space that can be freed up to give you the space you need crave to work from home productively.

That’s where we come in.

With just a couple of photos and a bit of info from you, our Architect will be able to suss out the best way to develop and free up space in your home to give you the homeworking space you need.

We don’t need to come out ( ) and it won’t cost you a penny ()


Fill out the form and within 48 hours our Architect will carry out a desktop study of your home, for free!​

We’re straightforward everyday folk, so give us a call and let’s see if we can get your plans moving forward for you

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